
Simple. Productive.

enhances your GitHub code review and browsing with hover previews for Tailwind class names or for whole components.

Hover provider for GitHub
Public Repositories unlimited
Private Repositories (personal)
Hover for TailwindCSS
$10,-per month
Hover provider for GitHub
Public Repositories unlimited
Private Repositories (org)
Hover for TailwindCSS
$10,-per user/month

Try it.

New Simplicity.

To build the ultimate hover provider for Tailwind class names, we crafted our solution with attention to detail for simplicity and productivity. Expandr is perfectly suited to be used in Google Chrome as an extension to GitHub workflows using TailwindCSS.

The hover provider for the Google Chrome browser and Github is simple and helps to become even more productive than before. Extensions from the repository's TailwindCSS configuration are included which makes it an ideal tool for code reviews.

Looks simple. Because it is.

Chrome hover provider

The hover provider for the Google Chrome browser and Github is simple and helps to become even more productive than before.

Your TailwindCSS config

Extensions from the repository's TailwindCSS configuration are included which makes it an ideal tool for code reviews.